As a seller and buyer on Etsy, I come across a few interesting things people have created. Electronics are rarely sold on Etsy. Mass-produced items aren't allowed to be sold on Etsy. Only handmade items, vintage items, and supplies are allowed to be sold on the website. This means these electronic are unique and you most likely won't find them anywhere else. Here are some electronic accessories that are uber-cool.
NES External Hard Drive - Super Mario Bros. 2 - 500 GB
"This vintage NES game, Super Mario Bros 2, has been custom crafted and re-purposed into this terrifically geeky external hard drive enclosure! This price is for a 500 GB drive, but it is also available in 320 GB, 750 GB, and 1 TB. Contact me for pricing. This order includes the classic game sleeve to protect your hard drive."
Find this item at
8BitMemory's shop on Etsy, along with at lot of other similar products.
Custom Built -Pick a Keyboard style and the Monitor will be built to match-Vintage Looking -20inch Widescreen LCD Monitor-Wireless Keyboard-Mouse Combo ...Victorian Steampunk Style
"A One of a Kind 20" Widescreen Flatpanel Monitor -
Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
Custom Built Combo
Choose a style Keyboard .. the monitor will be built to match
Offering another special full desktop setup.. Will work with Windows ,Mac or Linux
Hand made and Custom Built
Vintage Typewriter look ..Built in the early Victorian style...Steampunk"
Go to
woodguy32's shop to purchase this item. I would love to have these awesome electronics. They're fit for a (geek) king!