I'm really excited about this! Playstation has announced their next generation handheld devicae called, PlayStation Vita. They say it's powerful enough to give you the PS3 experience. I've only seen video reviews form E3 and I'm already sold on this. The beautiful 5" OLED display touch screen is not only bigger the the PSP, but make the games look absolutely stunning and flawless. The new handheld will include not one, but two analog sticks. It also has a touch panel on the back side that can be used in gameplay. They've seen to adapted to using a screen display similar to the Ipod touch. And the line-up of games to be released for the PlayStation Vita are pretty impressive such as:
Little Big Planet
Little Deviants
Street Fighter X Tekken
Uncharted Golded Abyss
Unlike the PSP version of Little Big Planet, with Vita's powerful processor, this version will feature all the levels made in the PS3 version as well as the touchscreen gameplay. It's strange because a lot of times I would wish the PSP had graphics as good as the PS3, and that now exists. The fact that Playstaion is able to put so much content from the PS3 into their new handheld version blows me away. The PlayStation Vita will be released by December 2011. So put it on your Christmas list kids!
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